Tuesday 30 July 2013

A spot light for a very special man....

I find motivation in everything around me and I always have, since a young girl I have found comfort residing by the lake, its always been a comfort for me and tends to send me to a relaxing place.  I find that no matter what goes on around me sitting on the beach and having a tea is the most tranquil place for me.

My first cup of tea was with a man I have loved all my life, and a man that has always and will always stand by my side.  I have always wished I would find someone to love me as fully as he loves.  My granddad is a gentle and kind soul.  I will never forget the days sitting with my grandfather listening to stories of when he grew up and moments in his life that were uplifting and astonishing.  He still to this day is the greatest story teller of all time.  He even can carry a tune or too, he used to sit us on his lap and sing the oooolllie goolie song, about a bird and it would make us cry as it was so funny, and maybe its his brit accent but nobody can sing a song as well as Granddad can.  I am lucky that I was able to spend many years living with my grandparents and I learned so much from them,  They have strong religious beliefs and although they are not my beliefs they have taught me that passion and compassion are two very important things to have in life.  I have always admired the love that my granddad has for my grandma,  he has a love that will never ever fade,  he admires her more than anyone knew could be possible.  Even if she fell in the mud he would still call her beautiful, of course he would probably try to take a photo or too and perhaps forget to buy or add the film... not saying this has ever happened to him before, the love he has is strong and never changing.  My granddad worked at Maple Hurst prison in Milton Ontario for many years and he would share his experiences with us, and always had a way of relating everything back to a wise old tale, and I would just love sitting with him for hours listening to him talk.  My granddad is someone who no matter what I could and can go to, I can tell him about the amazing things in my life and I can also share the heartache that also does come with life.  He would always start our conversations in this way,  Well Coll lets see how we can work through this.... and usually I had to set aside a few hours to have our chat but he always has had the way to make me smile at the end.  The funniest times with my Granddad were always watching him watch Football (Soccer to us Canadian's) he would and still does scream at the TV when the wrong plays were executed. I just loved watching Ronaldo take off his shirt to claim his victory goal... such a wonderful Grandfather granddaughter moment. The love and the admiration you have taught me over the years has resulted in me being able to love fully, to trust fully and to be the best I can be every single day of my life.  I know so many people have been touched by being in your life.

This man has always remained #1 in my heart and in my life, and Grandad you always will be my #1 man.

I love you xox

Until next time
Coll xox

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