Friday 17 May 2013

What are your Goals in life?

What motivates you to succeed in reaching your goal?

How do you measure your own personal success?

What is the underlying factor or fear blocking you from concurring your goal?

They always say patience is a virtue; this is true however if we do not have a plan or a call to action patience alone will not assist in concurring your goal.   Goal for the purpose of this post can be anything that you personally want to attack with a plan or call to action something that you want and need to change in your life this year.

I have always had so many goals and so many ways of reaching them, and at times in my life I was extremely successful and at other times I was hitting road blocks which just started to shut me down inside, I became a very different less confident version of myself, which those who know me knew something was just not right and they could tell I was silently struggling with sorting life out.
I knew I needed to isolate the items in my life that needed to change and things that I could easily control. 

I reached out to an amazing woman, a woman that knew and saw her passion and she is extremely successfully in so many areas of her life, because she took control of her life.  I asked her to come over with her husband to help me understand the method to her madness…they told me that in order to get to my goal no matter what the goal is or was, I needed to isolate the goal and put an attainable plan in place to achieve the goal, something realistic and something I could stick with. This was not a plan I just voiced, I was told to write down my top 10 goals for 2013, as once they were on paper it meant that I have identified and the items that were obviously important enough for me to target them one by one.  Truthfully at times I can start 10 things and finish 3 of those 10 things “well” the other items have been on my “list” for years and has never gotten anywhere, until now… and I am VERY successful, yet not as efficient as I possibly could be.

So first I want to share with you my top 5 goals for 2013, and share with you where I am at with these goals…

1)    I need defined “Family time” blocked on my life calendar- this may seem overly basic for many of you… this was an area I was lacking balance in…I have taken the time to block family time in my calendar, as an example Monday’s I have allotted to the afternoon and evening as for my daughter for her swimming lesson, I am there with her and take her to each lesson and we have quality time each and every morning as this job allows me the flexibility to take her to school each day.  ( my life calander is one calander that pulls work and life all together to keep me in one spot and to maintain the focus I need)

2)   I made my office space my own- I work from home, so I needed to set up a business area that would magnify and motivate my success daily so I feel motivate walking into my office and leaving it each day.  I have set up a huge calendar to physically track my success which has kept my vision alive daily and I have changed my filing system to keep me more organized.

3)    Start eating a cleaner diet for me and my family- which ultimately goes back to making sure that I can address health concerns I have and nip them in the butt by planning what I eat, and taking the time to eat, which in a busy lifestyle that can be tough.  I am making improvements in this area, but I need more focus on this to stay extremely consistent.

4)   Increase my household income substantially for 2013- I want to travel, I want to really increase my savings and be debt free if possible this year.

5)   I want to look in the mirror and feel amazing, may sound very VAIN, its not, I want to be able to look myself in the eyes and know that I am kicking butt with the focus and the dedications I have in place for my 2013 Goals.

I will be honest my list of goals is about 50-75 items, silly items to really cool things I want to do one day…. It can be a bucket list, my advice to you is not to leave it as a bucket list, place a call to action, and take it in small strides.  You need to measure your success along the way consistently to make sure you are headed in the right direction.

My passions in life are what keeps me going on a daily basis, my “why” is my daughter, she is the reason I want to share this blog with you.  We have so much fun everyday and we laugh and we joke and we make silly faces and say crazy things, however at the end of the day when I am reading her a story, in that moment I am all hers, I am not thinking about anything else but that moment in time and I am savoring that moment.  She needs to know consistency and how as a parent can we teach something we may not be very good at ourselves.

I challenge you to writing down your goals, talk to me, talk to anyone who will listen, make a coffee group or a wine group or a book group and keep your list with you and add to it daily Share your lists with those in your life.  Trust me this has dramatically changed my life.
But before you make this life-changing list… Give yourself a moment or two and figure out what your “WHY” is…. Understanding your reason for motivation will give you the disciplines and the passion required to make your dreams realities.

And the best advice I can give is… Smile, Smile all the time, Smile at or to everyone, the worst that can happen is they don’t acknowledge your gesture, but the health benefits and the mood elevation you will feel will flood you with emotions. 

Wednesday 8 May 2013

My Inspiration...


To most this looks as just a lady in a red coat, to me she is much more than that, she is a sister, a daughter, an auntie, a granddaughter, a niece, a great niece, and a wife.


Stephanie is my sister, and she is also my inspiration. Since such a young age I was blessed with her in my life, I did however try to pick her up and drop her on her melon, I still loved her every single day and I still do.

Stephanie is now expecting her 3RD child... some many think she’s bananas I think she is stunning, she radiates always, and she makes my heart so happy and so proud. I love her more than anything and I know she knows that. 


I do have to say the day she was married was a happy day for all, it was a hard day for me, She changed her name, which sounds silly but we have always been the 3 Ranger girls.  I hugged her and told her for my own selfish reasons I didn’t want her to change it, and she smiled and she said Coll, I am still a “Ranger” just don’t tell Jay.  That’s who Stephanie is... and who she always will be, she is my sister and she is one fabulous woman.  With a smile and a few words she shows her love for everyone.


The day she became a mom, was one of the proudest moments I had ever experienced with her, she embraced motherhood in the most beautiful manner, and she was and always will be such a stunning mom. 


My daughter loves her Auntie, and she has more photos of them up in her room than of me... She speaks to them often and sees them as much as she can.  She talks about her cousins and her Aunties every single day.


Her husband is one lucky man, as she is one amazing lady and although I may be biased as she is my sister... she can be tough and she can have an opinion but she always has LOVE and she will stop what she is doing always to be there for me and anyone who needs her. Even during the night when I wake her up to just chat!!!


With Mothers day approaching I feel it is best to highlight the best mom I have ever known.


Stephanie I love you,  xox

Love in the finest fashion ...

It’s a day that is so bright and so sunny and so peaceful.  This is a date that will never be forgotten, and a day for others that will always live on in their hearts.   Today was the birthday of Donna Haller, a woman who I will continue to admire, she was a woman that gave me such a wonderful gift, She gave the world and me included the most caring and loving daughter.  Shannon has been in my life 15 years, and since December 31st 2012 her heart has never been the same.  Shannon I wish to dedicate this blog post to you, you have always bought me love and compassion when I have needed it most. ( and I hope this brings you laughs, as you had this love with Chuckie)  I love you xo

In the photo above you will see me and my gentle giant, this is Bruce, he is the perfect man and I know ladies he’s taken.  So why is he perfect... He never talks back, he always snuggles, He walks beside me every single day and is so excited to do so.  Some days if the door is left open he will stroll the neighbourhood, and when I locate him he looks at me like”oh man I need a drink ”... I have a 5 year old daughter that I have mentioned previously and she used to treat him like a brother and get so mad at him when he would try to watch TV with her in the back seat of the car as his head gets in the way.  To others Bruce is a massive pile of HAIR... to me since mother’s day 2007 he has been the most calming being in my life.  We all need to take a life lesson from Bruce, all he wants to do is be loved, and he doesn’t care what the weather is or what’s the latest gossip all he wants is to be greeted a few times each day, of course breaky, lunch and dinner are a must, and at the end of each day he needs his daily cuddle. 

When we are faced with LOVE we expose ourselves which to so many that have been hurt before is such a scary thing to do, you have to start small, maybe buy 2 dwarf frogs and name them Sam, and Ross and try to keep them alive, feed them and love them... let your heart heal, and let your love grow.  Then take it to the next level, think of this... STOP looking for love... let love FIND you... sounds foreign I know... trust me, trust in those around you who many have found love.  

Let me tell you that the love that my 6 year old golden retriever has shown me, has been innocent and pure and it is a love that will never end.